You should see the agility in this young man when I (or my Mom, Dad, Dawn, anyone) tries to give him a kiss. Evidently, these days its sooo not cool to let your dad hug and kiss you. I am glad I was not this difficult when I was 16 … its also refreshing to know that I had it so much more together than Tyler does now. *smile*
What an amazing 16 years this has been with Tyler. I am so proud of him as a young man, his maturity and his ability to carry on a conversation will take him far in life and his heart is soooo caring. Its been said before that Tyler and I are identical (although I would probably guess that most would say I was the better looking one) … I think I would have to say that I am proud to call Tyler my son … I am proud to introduce Tyler to my friends and I am never, ever concerned about what Tyler is going to do, say or how he will behave. Tyler is an AMAZING role model for his brother (however, his grades could use a little help) but who am I to talk about grades? All I can do is support him and guide him.
Another thing I am proud of is the relationship Tyler and Dawn have developed. From the first time they met Tyler greeted Dawn with open arms and a huge smile. Since then they have grown closer and have become pretty tight. Its pretty cool having so many people love and cherish your kids ... the coolest thing is Dawn's family and how they have included both Tyler and Bryan in their lives.
Here is where it all started ... the first time Tyler and Bryan and Dawn met. December 2004 ... Thank god they all liked each other (secret is I threatened them with bodily harm if they didn't like Dawn! *grin*)

Here is a picture of Tyler @ Epcot during.

Another picture @ Epcot

Yea - Driving - I know - Dont remind me!

Tyler and Bryan @ the airport - heading home from a wonderful visit!
Its amazing to see how much they have changed in only 4 years ... I can not wait to see the next 4 and the 4 after that! I am VERY blessed.
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