We are already planning for next year - it is going to be insane and bigger. This past weekend we held the games in 2 days, next year - 9 days! Spread it out a bit, hold competitions during the week and in the evenings so more people can come and cheer!
My teams played their best - everyone who played in the games busted their asses to win for their district and it showed. The most amazing part of the games was while we were playing for our districts - the money we were raising was for the local charities in Celebration. My district was playing for the K-8 PTSA. I heard last night that overall we raised around $7,000 - after paying the bills it looks like the charities we were playing for are going to receive around $750 each! Which is SHOCKING to me - since I was planning more around $150. I am amazed how this community came together to make this happen. I am very hopeful for next year when my district will defend our Cup!
As you can see - I am VERY proud to be the first one to ever hoist the Celebration Cup. I consider it my own Lord Stanley's Cup ... and to be the first team to be honored on that cup - it is HISTORY in the making! In 100 years when the Celebration Games are the focal point of community pride, community involvement and community strength - it will be MY team that people will look back on and say - they are the ones who had the vision! They are the ones who wanted this community to be strong. I am proud to be a part of that history and I am honored to be the first champion of The Celebration Cup!
NOW - onto my "day job" ... I have 2 potential investors who are interested in the company I have founded. As you all know I am working with a Capital Investment Group in New Mexico and I was told yesterday that I will be speaking with 2 investors soon to answer their questions. I am nervous - yet, ready to get this over. It has been 7 months since my last "paycheck" ... It has been a very stressful time for Dawn and I while I stumbled my way through this journey. Dawn has been such a source of support for me, along with my mom and dad! Everyone I talk to says that they are positive I will succeed ... I, on the other hand, think that my success is based on the beliefs of the investors. If they dont believe in me - then I am finished! I am excited to take this next step - the final step in my "empire building process" ... wish me luck!!!
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