Sunday, November 18, 2007
Thanksgiving and Our Boys
1. Family - Dawn, Tyler, Bryan, Mom & Dad, Eric, Cina and the girls ... yeah, it may be cliche but when you boil it down to the basics ... Family comes first. I have an amazing, very close knit family (Mom makes sure of that!) ... I am so blessed to have everyone I have.
2. Friends - Not the friends you see "once in a while" ... the friends you talk to every day. The friends you see more than once a month. The friends who are still your friends after all the time they spend with you ... and they still accept you for who you are. Dawn and I are extremely lucky to have such incredible friends in our lives here in Celebration ... along with Southern and Northern California ... and now Illinois!!!
3. Life - Not just the living / breathing life ... but the life we inject into our days. Our conversations, our disagreements, our teamwork, our motivation to overcome the obstacles "regular life" puts in our way. My "Life" now is full of life - if that makes sense. My outlook, My passion, My drive ... all stems from the "Life" I have created ... and I could not have asked for a better team mate than the one I have now!!!
So - this week, while Tyler and Bryan are here with us ... I am going to take the time to talk with them about what makes them happy, what makes they thankful, what they want to see change and happen over the next year to improve their lives. Yeah - I know, pretty deep for a 15 and 12 year old ... but I am confident they will understand what I am teaching them ... in about 10 years when they "grow up!" Its been a while since I have posted and I am going to start adding more frequently ... hopefully I still have people popping onto the blog! Maybe I'll blast out an email to everyone letting them know I am back above water! Its been a CRAZY 4 months to say the least.
Till next time ...
Friday, November 02, 2007
Sunday, September 16, 2007
One Year Anniversary!
I do not know if there is going to be access for me to post updates to the blog ... if there is you will know. If there is not - check back on October 1st for the updates, pictures and stories.
Till then ...
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Barber and Beauty Emporium
So ... the big news of the month (aside from Tyler turning 15 and Bryan starting the 6th grade) is that my friend here in Celebration owns a beauty salon called Barber and Beauty Emporium you can CLICK HERE to see the website. Anyway - over the past couple months the local NBC affiliate WESH 2 News has been holding a contest for the "A List" which is like a "Best of ..." contest. There were about 15 or so other salons competing for the "A List" and last week the votes were counted and they announced that Celebration's Barber and Beauty Emporium had won the "Best Salon" category!
I just wanted to throw this info up here quickly - Al and his salon is awesome, I will post more about Al later ... right now Dawn needs me to spark up the grill and get it ready for the delicious steak I am about to serve for lunch!
Hope you all are well ... more to come soon.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Why Celebration Florida Rocks!
2. We live 4 hours away from the Florida Keys - its absolutely a tropical paradise.
3. We live 90 minutes from either coast - West Coast (Gulf Side) or the East Coast (Atlantic Side)
4. We live 30 minutes from Universal Studios.
5. Our downtown is quaint and the people know our names when we walk into stores.
6. When the Space Shuttle takes off for the International Space Station ... this is what we see from our balcony!

There are many many other reasons why we love living here ... these were just the ones that came to my mind in the last 3 minutes it took for me to create this posting!
Dawn is out in California again - San Jose this time. I cant wait for her to get home again - I am starting to get good at this "clean up at the last minute" lifestyle! What we men do for our women to make them happy!
Hope you all are well ...
Friday, August 03, 2007
If you look close - you can see a BBQ!!!
Not much else going on here - Dawn is home this week, however the past 2 weeks she has been traveling for work and it looks like the next 2 weeks she'll be back on the road.
Tyler and Bryan will be here for Labor Day weekend, that should be fun ... since they both love the BBQ so much. I did have to call them and rub it in that I was BBQing last night ... oh, and tonight too! Bacon wrapped Filets and Corn on the Cob!!!
Till next time ...
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Its An Ocean Thing!

Here is Dawn with Heather (Jose took the picture) ... We met Jose and Heather on our Honeymoon Cruise! The coolest part is we have stayed in touch through email ... I have tried to hook up with them when I do my quick trips out to LA to catch a Hockey Game of visit our God Son ... but I have never been able to get together with them. This time Dawn was able to visit them. Dawn had a GREAT time and they were kind enough to take Dawn out to the coast so she would be able to hear the waves crashing and the beach sound - Dawn called me, but all I could hear was the wind blowing! Oh well - next time we go out there, we'll make it a point to catch up with Jose and Heather!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
In The Land Of Duck!

They went out to dinner tonight ... dont the look cute all cuddled up in the booth together??? I wish I was there - I get very jealous when Dawn gets to go play with our friends and I dont!
Monday, July 23, 2007
CRAZY Life - quick and painless update!
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
6 people in a 2 bedroom condo ...
We have been having fun ... visited our cousins in Ocala, went to a local race track to watch the Sprint Cars, Shopping, Movies, Projects! Since my dad is here ... and I am not all that "handy" around the house. We put a fan up in the living room and under cabinet lights in the kitchen - Well, not "WE" per-say ... more like "Dad."
Today (Tuesday) we are going to finish school clothes shopping for the boys and then we will go see that new movie "Ratatouille" (or however you spell it). Dawn is very excited about seeing this movie since she has allready purchased the little figurines of the rat! Yes ... and she has them displayed in the kitchen too! *smile*
Tomorrow - July 4th ... we are going to spend it with friends, BBQ's and an 80's themed party in downtown Celebration where at 8pm the band "A Flock of Seagull's" will be playing. If you went to High School in the 80's ... dont be jealous! ha ha ... I'll be sending pictures and video's from the concert to the blog for everyone to enjoy.
I cant belive we are half way through the boys visit here ... time goes by way to fast for me when they are here. We have so much fun and do so many things ... it will probably take Dawn and I about 4 days to catch up on the lost sleep we need.
Anyway - its time to head out AGAIN!
Till next time ...
Friday, June 29, 2007
Hockey and the Quest for the Cup!
WHY you might ask ... well, this blog I have started is a collaboration of knowledge and insight shared by Brian Lindley, Clint Bundrick and myself. I decided to try this out because throughout the Hockey season the 3 of us enjoy a friendly NHL Fantasy Hockey league and we also share through email the musings of our smack talkin'.
This blog is still in its growth phase - we will be adding to it more information more functions and more stuff in general.
Check it out -
Hope you all are well ... till next time
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Universal City Walk
Sunday, June 17, 2007
The Coveted Lind-Ster-Rick Cup!
For that story - stay tuned for more info and more pictures!
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
The Stanley Cup Playoffs!
Lindley was at the game where the Ducks took the Cup! I am jealous, and at the same time, so happy that he was able to witness this experience. Here is the email he sent me the next day describing his evening!
I sat outside on the fire hydrant for two hours. Went to standing room only line, they shut it down. Went back to fire hydrant at 4:10. at 4.25 dude comes up – I complete the transaction… and wow, I was so flippy happy, I seriously could not believe I was getting in. so.. after two hours of sitting in the sun I went straight to the Coors light stand and downed a cold one. That beer tasted so good…!!! Then up to my seat to check it out. PERFECT!!! Then down the team store to buy hats, line was 30 mins long game started in 12. back up to the concourse for another beer and phone calls… Bam the lights went out inside the pond – a deafening roar came up and I headed in just in time to see Anaheim take the ice. The place was rockin. The game as you know was great, I did not want it to end, the second period felt like about five minutes. In between 2nd and third I did not want another 26 oz beer, did not want to miss any of the third period, so I ordered a Stanley Cup on ice. (my new drink I named it!!!!) Kettle one with three limes, one for every period in a hockey game. Slammed that puppy down and floated up the staircase for my appt with the cup.
At the five minute mark a huge roar came up in the crowd and again at two minute mark, and the loudest at one minute, the place was shaking… count down and then pandemonium!!!!
Then everyone and seriously… their mother, lifted the cup. After about 30 mins I was able to get down rink side they were not skating the cup tho, they were only kneeling next to it for pics, all the players were one by one putting their kids in the bowl for pictures – oh the hockey wives were there too.
So… it had been a long – but short eve and I’ll be gal darned if I didn’t for get to eat. I was soooo starving. Drove home on surface streets, they shut down the freeway, Michelle had a tostada plate waiting for me slammed another Coors light and settled in for the replay. Yes, three more periods of hockey, had to watch it again, barely made it thru, but in all ... a great day to be a hockey fan.
So there you have it - Lindley has crossed off one thing on his life list that still remains on mine. Watch the raising of The Stanley Cup. I am planning to hit up the NHL All Star Game in January and hopefully, next summer, I will have the opportunity to cross this milestone off of my list!
Till next time
Sunday, June 03, 2007
The Bundrick Wedding - June 2, 2007
Now - The Wedding! What an awesome and beautiful wedding Clint and Cailin put together. I will have to write more later about the wedding and maybe I will get Dawn to add some words also. In the meantime - here are some pictures of the wedding and a couple video's to watch too. Sorry about the quality of the video's ... I was using my phone to capture the moments!

Here Comes The Bride!!!

Husband and Wife!

Already assuming his role!

Glowing and Gorgeous!

I was able to get them to stand still for 3 seconds while I snapped this picture for my blog!

Thier First Dance!

Clint goin for the Garter!
Everyone always threatens to smash the cake into the brides face ... but nobody is SUPPOSE to actually do it ... RIGHT???
Their First Dance as Husband and Wife ... they are by far one of the cutest couples we know (right up there with the Lindleys and US of course!)
Congrats Clint and Cailin Bundrick - We are so very happy for you and we are excited to finally have you 2 back in a "normal" routine!
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Tyler and Bryan have NEW Haircuts!!!
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
To bad the Ducks didnt show up for the game - Detroit dominated this game from the beginning. The Red Wings ended up taking it home with a 5 - 0 win over the Ducks! Its OK - there is still Thursday's game ... I am sure the Ducks can re-focus before then.
Desperate - Party of 2, your table is ready
I was looking at the tickets Brian bought on the way to the Honda Center (where the Ducks play hockey) - the tickets said "Round 3 / Home Game 2" ... I thought that was odd since tonights game was the Home Game 1 - and we bought tickets for TONIGHTS game! Well - silly us to think that way. The fine people over at explained to us that EVEN THOUGH we were buying tickets for the game scheduled on May 15th, since they have a disclaimer that says "dates can change without notice" - the reason they sent us Game 2 tickets is because that is the game we bought.
Yea - even I was confused at the imcompetence of their customer service center. What really struck me as funny was when they said "I understand you bought tickets for the game on May 15th - however, you were buying tickets for Round 3 / Home game 2" - but they agreed that we bought tickets for the game on May 15th - yet its OUR fault that they sent us tickets for Thursday's game May 17th. Yea - someone is getting a letter in the mail. NOT HAPPY!!!
However - fret not my fine friends, we managed to get 2 tickets to tonights game ... check out the picture above this!!!
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Dawn is in Cape Town - South Africa

Midnight Beer Run
Late night beer run - Our Coors Light ran out before we could start the Monday episode of 24. So - this was not a hard decision to make.
Waiting to board in Orlando - I had to get to the airport 3 hours before departure since I could not get assigned seating online with my miles tickets - I did not want to be stuck sitting on the milk crate with the chickens and goats. So my 3 hour early plan got me aisle seat with the chickens and goats - ha ha ... I was on the aisle seat in row 26. The plane I was on had 26 rows of seats - so yes, I was the last row. Well - the poor kid sitting in the middle seat wraped himself up in a nice comfy fleece sweater and then turned the overhead AC nozzle on full blast. SO - by the time I landed in Denver my right elbow was black from frost bite.
The flight from Denver was almost as bad - I was not able to get an aisle seat, however, the ticket agent was nice enough to put me in a middle seat in an exit row. I like exit rows, MORE leg room! However, the 2 dudes flanking me were not the most considerate gentlemen I have sat with. The guy on my left now wanted to read his paper, with his leg crossed - evidently he had all the room in the world he needed. The guy on my right - well, he was about 13 hours into his 12 hour deodorant. Dawn and I refer to that as "product failure."
Once I arrived in Orange County - ALL was good in the hood!
Sunday, April 22, 2007
4th Annual Exotic Car Show

Thursday, April 19, 2007
The First Annual Celebration Games

We are already planning for next year - it is going to be insane and bigger. This past weekend we held the games in 2 days, next year - 9 days! Spread it out a bit, hold competitions during the week and in the evenings so more people can come and cheer!
My teams played their best - everyone who played in the games busted their asses to win for their district and it showed. The most amazing part of the games was while we were playing for our districts - the money we were raising was for the local charities in Celebration. My district was playing for the K-8 PTSA. I heard last night that overall we raised around $7,000 - after paying the bills it looks like the charities we were playing for are going to receive around $750 each! Which is SHOCKING to me - since I was planning more around $150. I am amazed how this community came together to make this happen. I am very hopeful for next year when my district will defend our Cup!
As you can see - I am VERY proud to be the first one to ever hoist the Celebration Cup. I consider it my own Lord Stanley's Cup ... and to be the first team to be honored on that cup - it is HISTORY in the making! In 100 years when the Celebration Games are the focal point of community pride, community involvement and community strength - it will be MY team that people will look back on and say - they are the ones who had the vision! They are the ones who wanted this community to be strong. I am proud to be a part of that history and I am honored to be the first champion of The Celebration Cup!
NOW - onto my "day job" ... I have 2 potential investors who are interested in the company I have founded. As you all know I am working with a Capital Investment Group in New Mexico and I was told yesterday that I will be speaking with 2 investors soon to answer their questions. I am nervous - yet, ready to get this over. It has been 7 months since my last "paycheck" ... It has been a very stressful time for Dawn and I while I stumbled my way through this journey. Dawn has been such a source of support for me, along with my mom and dad! Everyone I talk to says that they are positive I will succeed ... I, on the other hand, think that my success is based on the beliefs of the investors. If they dont believe in me - then I am finished! I am excited to take this next step - the final step in my "empire building process" ... wish me luck!!!
Friday, April 13, 2007
How to kill time while waiting for Investors to call!

So - while I sit and chew my finger nails to the knuckle waiting for potential investors to call and offer me help in building my empire ... I kill time by playing NHL 07 on my XBox system! Today was the BEST game of my career ... playing against the Nashville Predators in Nashville! I am able to get Joe Thornton a hat trick in the first 2:40 of the game ... and it was just downhill for Nashville from there. As you can see - I destroyed them early and just kept the blood flowing, never really giving them time to shore up the dam!
This is pretty much the best way for me to keep my mind off of the impending death I will endure if I am unable to obtain funding for my company. I am VERY close and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel ... I am hoping that it is the end of the tunnel and NOT an oncomming train!
Till next time ...
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
The Perfect End to ANY Day!!!
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
One Month Ago Today ...
So - regarding my company - - if you forgot the name of it! I have actually branced off of Individui Inc. and have created a small LLC to run my real estate division and I am now in the process of looking for investors. I have signed up with a capital investment group in New Mexico and for the past 3 or 4 weeks we have been writing the funding memorandum and the subscription agreements. What an interesting process that is - if you enjoy pulling your hair out at the root and sticking pointy sticks in your eyes for fun!!! Last week (Thursday) we finalized everything ... the documents were finished and I gave my "go ahead" to begin the investor hunt. TODAY - Tuesday April 10th, 2007 - they begin sending out the packets of information regarding my company and what I am looking to do, what I am looking to accomplish, how much money I am projecting and how much money I need to start! I am very very nervous right now! I have been working at this for the past 7 months - April is now the 8th month I have been focusing on this company and I have everything that I can cross, crossed!
What else - Tyler is graduating from 8th grade next month ... I cant believe I am about to have a High School age son!!! YIKES ... he is getting ready to play football next year in High School and his summer practice schedule looks INSANE!!! Unfortunately Dawn and I will only get the boys for a couple weeks right after graduation since Tyler's football practice starts on June 4th and goes all summer! I'll be heading up there to watch his games and take pictures and stuff. Bryan is doing well also - not really a sports fan ... he did play a little basketball at the YMCA this past year ... I was able to get up there and catch one of his games. Hopefully he will have his growth spurt over the summer!
Everything else here in Celebration is going hunky dory ... we are starting to see the summer weather roll in. We had a little rain this past weekend - I think the last cold front of the winter has past over us and the heat should be creeping up on us soon enough.
I am trying to keep busy so I dont FREAK OUT about my funding - I have people waiting for me to kick them into gear. I cant really have them doing work, since I have no way to pay for that work - however, they have been VERY supportive of me and have been extremely helpful with my level of motivation! I would have to say my biggest fan has been Dawn ... she has been a rock solid foundation for me during all of this! She has seen me at my highest most positive moments along with my lowest "SCREW IT ALL" moments when I just wanted to forget everything I have done and go apply for a job as the fry cooker at McDonalds!!! If you ever thought you were a smart person with confidence - try starting your own company. I find the ONE single interesting thing is that when you tell people what you are doing and how you plan to run your business EVERYONE is sooooooo supportive of your passion, your ideas, your drive, your business ... you will get so much praise from everyone you talk to - That is until you start looking for people to HELP you get it going. As soon as you start telling these same people who LOVED your idea before that you want to use them to test out the market and have them use your product for a VERY VERY minimal fee (fee's that will cover your marketing, some content developement, supplies and advertising) you will see how many of them just "dont see the value" anymore. I was shocked to have so many people look me in the eye and tell me that I have a GREAT idea - an AMAZING product and then turn around and say "NOT INTERESTED" - Maybe its ME? Maybe it is why I am not a sales man ... Maybe it is because my idea is NOT valuable and everyone was just humoring me while I was talking about it, and they really didnt think I would go through with it. Who knows? What I do know is that Dawn has stood by me EVERY step of the way - along with a few other friends of mine. Their guidance, their help, their support - together has brought me to the point of actually getting my company in front of actual investors that look to help entrepenures like myself lauch their ideas and visions and assist them in making it a reality! My parents have also been there for me ... I am sure they have mentioned it once or twice during their prayer time ... They are very understanding and so supportive of my journey also - They were the FIRST investors into my company - and hopefully one day, I will be able to show them the fruits of their trust and investment.
So - now that the funding memorandum is going out to investors, my heart rate is up 30% and I am about ready to explode ... I am going to sign off for now and update you all VERY VERY SOON!!!
For those who have sent me emails of encouragement, friendly notes and just a "hey - I am thinking about you!" ... THANK YOU! I know that we all are very busy people, and I know that recently I have disapeard from sight and have not been around for my friends ... I am still here, I am still alive and I will be back soon!
Love you all -
Till next time ...
Saturday, March 10, 2007
I know its been forever ...
It has been a CRAZY month here in Celebration - hopefully I'll have exciting news for you all in the next couple weeks! If you pray - send a couple my way! I am gonna need 'em!