Instead of explaining it to you ... check out our website www.individui.com ... our company name "Individui" is an Italian word that very loosly translated means "To locate and individual." Our company is based on the premise that everyone carries a cell phone these days and shouldnt information be available on those mobile devices? You'll see on our website where we are going with this. So click on the link and take a look at what I have been up to!!! Oh Yea ... if you have money and want to invest just shoot me an email!!!
Ok ... back to the trip!!! Dawn has business meetings ALL next week. Which also happens to be her birthday (Wednesday Dec 6th) ... every year her company has week long meetings the first week of Dec and the 3 years Dawn and I have been together I have YET to spend a birthday with her. This year I get to celebrate with her!!! I am very happy ... So, we leave tomorrow and come home on Dec 11th! Its going to be a GREAT trip ... very packed! We land in San Francisco Friday afternoon, hit up downtown for a bit and then we are meeting my parents and my grandma for dinner at Scoma's in Sausalito. Dawn and I are staying with my folks over the weekend. Saturday we head out early in the morning for breakfast and then a quick hop over to the Petaluma Cheese Factory for a tour and tasting! Yummy Cheese!!! ha ha. After that we hit Petaluma for lunch and then scoot up to Santa Rosa so I can show Dawn one of the places I have lived and where I use to hang out! I am hoping to meet up with some old friends while I am up there.
On Sunday, we are doing breakfast again and then setting sail for Napa!!! Do a little wine tasting and some Christmas Shopping!!! My friend Kelly Eicher is going to meet us in Napa to enjoy the day with us!
Sunday night Dawn and I head to San Jose where she will get ready to work and prepare for her meetings. Me ... I have a full schedule of lunches with friends and monitoring my website for traffic and maybe find some West Coast clients who want to use our serivces!!! Wish me luck!
Thursday evening Dawn and I are hitting the San Jose Sharks hockey game ... they are playing the Avalanche and if you know me ... those are my 2 most favoritest teams! We are VERY excited to see this game. Friday morning we high tail it to Fresno to visit Dawn's grandma and god daughter on Saturday we are meeting up with another friend of ours for dinner and her birthday celebration (Happy Birthday Cindy!!!)
Sunday we head back to the Bay Area and I get on a plane Monday morning to come back home!!!
I'll be throwing up some random pictures now and again ... so keep checking back!!! Would you believe that I also have a company blog started ... YES, can you believe it??? ha ha
Have a wonderful day!!!
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