Sunday, December 31, 2006
Happy New Year!!!
Chris and Judith
New Years @ Epcot
Sunday, December 24, 2006
11pm and we're frostin the cake!
Dawn is having a GREAT time with this cake. We got home about 30 minutes ago from a wonderful dinner with some friends. Dawn baked a yummy red velvet cake this afternoon and she has decided to finish the frosting tonight! She looooooves this stuff ... and well, I get to eat it! Come on January 1st ... wanna know my new years resolution? My goal is to lose 20 more pounds. I lost 30 pounds for the wedding and that was not easy ... I think that if I set my sights on the 20 pound mark in 2007 it should be pretty "do-able" ... we'll see. I am sure I'll keep ya'll posted on my progress!
As I sat at dinner with some friends tonight I was reflecting on the past 2 years 8 months since I moved out to Orlando. I moved to Orlando knowing ONE person here. I moved to Orlando because it was as close to Tyler and Bryan as I could get. I was working as a manager for Sears Roebuck and this was the closest job opening they had. It took me 3 months to meet Dawn and since then every day has been better than the last. I am shocked to look back on the last 10 months (thats how long Dawn and I have lived in Celebration) and to think of all the things we are involved in. Dawn and I belong to the Task Force that is working towards taking our community to the next level and becoming an actual "City" in the state of Florida. We have met many amazing people through that effort and we are so blessed to have such friendly and welcoming families close to us.
I'll be posting some reflections over the next few days ... 2007 is going to become the "Year of Change" for Dawn and I. I'll exlain more later!!! For now ... I am going to help my wife finish this bottle of wine we have opened!
Merry Christmas my friends ... and for the ones reading this thread I dont know that well ... I wish you happiness and laughter! (I wish that for my friends too!)
Till the next post ...
Friday, December 22, 2006
Dawn at Disney World!
We have a visitor ... Bernardo being a good host!
Our friend is going to Kentucky for Christmas with her fiance and Dawn and I are the lucky ones who get to watch Tinker Bell!!! She is a bossy little 2 pound furry fluff of attitude!
Everyone say hello to Tinker Bell ... her and Bernardo are pretty cute. He tries to play with her and she barks at him. The look on his face when she barks at him is priceless ... its like "Whats her problem???"
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Bryan behaving at Best Buy!
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Click on this picture and look at the score!
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Friday, December 08, 2006
Driving out to Fresno!
I know its bright!!!
10 minutes left ... 3 points behind!
Grier about to shoot a penalty shot!
Thursday, December 07, 2006
SJ Sharkie payed someone a visit!
I wanna drive the zamboni!
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Happy 30 Somthingish to Dawn!!!
Today is my wife's birthday!!! This birthday is exremely special to me for many reasons.
1. She is my wife now! This is the first time in our relationship that I am celebrating my wife's birthday. *grin*
2. We are celebrating it in California - Dawn and I both lived and worked in the Bay Area. I grew up just one hour from where we are (San Jose, Ca for those reading that dont know where I am this week) ... we visited my parents this past week, some very close friends and we are 15 minutes away from the San Jose Shark Tank ... (where the Sharks play hockey)
3. This is the first year in our relationship that I am spending Dawn's birthday WITH HER!!! Thats right ... the past 2 birthdays Dawn has had, we have not been together. Dawn's company holds a HUGE global meeting every year during the first week of December! The past 2 years I have had jobs that did not allow me to travel so I had to wish her a happy birthday over the phone ... this year ... WE ARE TOGETHER!!!
Ok ... so now that I am done gushing. Tonight I am taking her to a nice cute french restaurant in San Francisco, then we'll probably drive around downtown for a bit and head home. Its going to be a great night ... Dawn has no clue that I have done up a flower spread, some presents and I just addded an Olive and Cheese plate to the mix!!!
I just want Dawn to know that I love her with all my heart ... she is the best thing that has happened to me in a long long time. I am looking forward to spending many many more birthdays with her!!!
If you get a chance ... drop her a line and wish her a happy birthday. If you dont have her email address, leave her a comment here on the blog.
I hope everyone is doing well and happy. I'll post more tomorrow about how dinner was and our evening! Plus - I'll tell ya about our plans for tomorrow night! Here is a hint - I am going to a Sharks game with Dawn tomorrow night!!! *snicker*
Till the next post ...
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
I love this city!
I grew up about 25 miles north of here ... I will always consider this city "home" ... Every time I come back to visit I am reminded how much San Francisco means to me. If you have never visited San Francisco I would highly recomend planning a nice 3 or 4 day weekend. There is so much to do, and if you do plan on coming out let me know and I'll give you some highlights you cant miss! I took this picture after I met a couple friends for lunch ... I'll be taking Dawn to dinner here tomorrow night for her birthday. I'll let you all know how the night goes!
Sunday, December 03, 2006
The Wager - The Win!!!
The Best Wine in Napa!
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Lagunitas Brewery - The Best Beer!
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Go West Young Man!

Instead of explaining it to you ... check out our website ... our company name "Individui" is an Italian word that very loosly translated means "To locate and individual." Our company is based on the premise that everyone carries a cell phone these days and shouldnt information be available on those mobile devices? You'll see on our website where we are going with this. So click on the link and take a look at what I have been up to!!! Oh Yea ... if you have money and want to invest just shoot me an email!!!
Ok ... back to the trip!!! Dawn has business meetings ALL next week. Which also happens to be her birthday (Wednesday Dec 6th) ... every year her company has week long meetings the first week of Dec and the 3 years Dawn and I have been together I have YET to spend a birthday with her. This year I get to celebrate with her!!! I am very happy ... So, we leave tomorrow and come home on Dec 11th! Its going to be a GREAT trip ... very packed! We land in San Francisco Friday afternoon, hit up downtown for a bit and then we are meeting my parents and my grandma for dinner at Scoma's in Sausalito. Dawn and I are staying with my folks over the weekend. Saturday we head out early in the morning for breakfast and then a quick hop over to the Petaluma Cheese Factory for a tour and tasting! Yummy Cheese!!! ha ha. After that we hit Petaluma for lunch and then scoot up to Santa Rosa so I can show Dawn one of the places I have lived and where I use to hang out! I am hoping to meet up with some old friends while I am up there.
On Sunday, we are doing breakfast again and then setting sail for Napa!!! Do a little wine tasting and some Christmas Shopping!!! My friend Kelly Eicher is going to meet us in Napa to enjoy the day with us!
Sunday night Dawn and I head to San Jose where she will get ready to work and prepare for her meetings. Me ... I have a full schedule of lunches with friends and monitoring my website for traffic and maybe find some West Coast clients who want to use our serivces!!! Wish me luck!
Thursday evening Dawn and I are hitting the San Jose Sharks hockey game ... they are playing the Avalanche and if you know me ... those are my 2 most favoritest teams! We are VERY excited to see this game. Friday morning we high tail it to Fresno to visit Dawn's grandma and god daughter on Saturday we are meeting up with another friend of ours for dinner and her birthday celebration (Happy Birthday Cindy!!!)
Sunday we head back to the Bay Area and I get on a plane Monday morning to come back home!!!
I'll be throwing up some random pictures now and again ... so keep checking back!!! Would you believe that I also have a company blog started ... YES, can you believe it??? ha ha
Have a wonderful day!!!
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Friday, November 24, 2006
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Can you find the hidden Mickey Head in this array of lights?
Disney MGM festival of lights
Friday, November 17, 2006
More Hockey???
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
I am pleased to announce the arrival of ...
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Fireworks in Celebration Florida!
2 other guys I gotta worry about!
Friday, November 10, 2006
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Some new pictures from the Honeymoon!

Did I show you all the one of the Chef who came to prepare our dinner at our table on the cruise! Yes Sir ... it was some kinda chicken dish that was "OH MY GOD" Good ... not sure the name of it, but wow, very tasty!!! Oh yea, dont we look good too? For those of you that were there and if you remember, Dawn is wearing the gorgeous outfit she wore to my best friends wedding in Portland, Oregon - Brian and Michelle Lindley.

Here is a picture I took in Palermo of a persons balcony. This was above the open air market that ran for about 10 - 15 blocks. If you remember back in one of the previous posts of the huge fish being cut ... this is down the street from there.

This picture is of the front of the Vatican ... this is from the square looking up to the front where the Pope comes out to wave to the crowds and send blessings down. The 90 minutes Dawn and I spent in there was incredible ... the frescos, the Sistine Chapel, the Basilica ... everything was amazing. It sucks because I am running out of adjectives to describe these buildings and what we saw, but the words just dont do it any justice.
If you ever get a chance to visit Rome for a few days, take the opportunity and also call Remo at ... Daniele or Remo will give you a tour of the city only a local can give you. Worth every penny, and when Dawn and I go back to Rome ... we will be calling Remo!!! OK - more pictures!!!!

Here is the ship Dawn and I were on ... this was the day after we left. We were staying in Nice France for 4 days after the cruise and the day after we got off the ship their next port of call was Nice!!! So we walked over to the port and took a picture of the ship!!! I know, we are geeks! ha ha

Here is a small port in Bastia (which is on the island of Corsica) ... Dawn and I were walking around this place and enjoying the streets and the stores ... we found a meat store that had meat just hanging on the walls and other meat in baskets on a bench!!! Yea, we bought some meat there. It seems like every other store here was a wine store or sold meats and cheese! Below is a picture of the meat store!

Here is a picture from Eze France ... this place was a fortified castle built on top of a hill on the coast of the French Riviera ... the inhabitants who lived there started building next to the castle and during the height of occupancy 400 people were crammed into this city. There are 2 hotels here in Eze ... they look pretty fancy so if your going to stay here, your going to pay!!!
OK ... time for dinner, I hope you all enjoy these pictures and I'll post more another time!!!
Good night friends.